1 minute

The human mind is programmed to overlook those little things, those small actions, because it feels they do not matter or are very irrelevant. On the contrary, what is appreciated is the opposite; we love big things, we love those significant actions because we feel they really matter.

As students, we appreciate long hours of reading more than short hours.

As Christians, we appreciate long hours of prayers more than short hours.

This has programmed our minds to think that success is a function or a product of those big activities or actions we take. I will boldly oppose the motion of the definition of success we think is correct by saying that success is a product of those little actions repeated consistently over time, which amounts to big actions. We think that produces success. The potency of those little actions is consistency.

Observe those little actions you do daily. Become more intentional with those actions. Strive to be consistent in those actions. You will have no option except to be successful in any field.

Read for an hour daily.

Pray for an hour daily.

Save 20% of every penny.

Be ready for a successful life.

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